The Nocinoci Widget can make set of icons, and change icon image.
It can
* place 1-4 icons in one home space.
* change icon image.
* toggle Airplane mode / Wi-Fi / Ringer / Bluetooth setting.
* put settings shortcuts GPS/Screen rotate/Screen timeout.
* change icon color ( Change hue / Decoloration / Fill color / Change clarity )
* create "Direct Mail" shortcut.
* make large size widgets( 1x1 - 4x4 size widgets are creatable )
* set show or hide widget label, and change label colors.
Created icons set are saved at list, replacing and updating are easy.
Free version has following limits.
* Max count of single size widgets is 10.
* Max count of large size widgets is 3.
* Can not use Tool icons.
* Can not change icon color.
About permissions
*Your personal information
Use for making 'Direct mail' shortcut.
* Network communication
Use for toggling Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile data state.
* Storage
Use for changing icon image.
* Services that cost you money
Use for launching 'Direct call' shortcut.
* System tools
Use for managing Airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile data states.
Notice: From Version 1.11.0, all widget layouts are enabled at default setting. To change the setting, follow Menu button -> Preference -> Widget layout list setting, turn off unnecessary layouts.Nocinoci小工具可以设置图标,并更改图标图像。
* 1-4图标放置在一个家庭空间。
*把设置快捷键GPS /屏幕旋转/屏幕超时。
*大尺寸部件(1×1 - 4x4大小的部件是创建)
注意:从1.11.0版本中,所有部件的布局已启用默认设置。要改变设定,请按菜单键 - >“首选项” - >小工具的布局列表设置,关闭不必要的布局。